Permanent commitment to the environment and its stakeholders is one of the Ferruz Industrial Group’s main values.
The priority consideration of social responsibility, which extends to all areas of action of the Industrial Ferruz Group, has been recognized with the obtaining by the company of the Seal of Social Responsibility granted by the Board that brings together the Administration of the autonomous community with the main economic and social agents.
The Group thus receives this seal, which already had its division dedicated to the manufacture of aluminum semi-trailers and side-loading collectors, after successfully completing the process that allows obtaining this certificate, which recognizes the good practices carried out by the company. Among them, having a global strategic plan with short, medium and long-term economic and environmental objectives, accurately identifying stakeholders to meet their demands and expectations, providing personalized advice to clients or implementing adapted continuous training plans. to the needs of people and that improve their employability. The award of the Seal of Social Responsibility to the entire Industrial Ferruz Group recognizes its social commitment, the identification of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) most related to its activities and the availability of specific plans to, for example, reduce consumption of energy, water and materials, as well as to minimize the generation of waste.
A source of pride for all the people who make up Ferruz Industrial Group and a stimulus to continue working with more enthusiasm at the service of our clients and the whole of society.